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In addition to the conditions to be met for the importation of goods, the operator must provide a certain number of documents and follow a specific procedure before the removal of his goods, which is naturally subject to the payment of the royalties provided for.

Conditions to be fulfilled

Generally, you must first have an import-export card or an exceptional authorization to import. Once the merchandise is landed at the harbor docks, the owner is informed by the consignee by a notice of arrival.

The customs clearance procedure can then be initiated.

Required documents

These include:

  • the commercial invoice of the supplier
  • the freight bill of the transport company
  • the certificate of origin issued by the chamber of commerce of the country of origin,
  • the packing list (document listing all packages and their characteristics)
  • Import authorization for goods subject to quotas, ;
  • certificate of insurance,
  • prior import declaration for values ​​greater than or equal to CFAF 1,000,000. This declaration must be located in a local bank
  • a certificate of verification by COTECNA for F.O.B values ​​equal to or greater than 3,000,000 F CFA with the exception of goods excluded from the COTECNA inspection area; In the event that the COTECNA inspection has not taken place, a fine of 20% of the CIF value of the goods is imposed before the customs clearance operation.
  • a copy of the bill of lading or an original bill of lading
  • endorsed foreign exchange (with the exception of the Euro) is compulsory regardless of the amount,
  • the exemption titles if applicable;
  • the visa of the national supply pharmacy for the products or medicines.
  • The following additional documents are also requested for foodstuffs:
  • animal health certificate for plant and animal products for plant products ;
  • quality certificate issued by the authorities of the country where the goods originate ;
  • quality control certificate issued by The Senegalese health authorities.

Procedures to follow

The customs clearance is carried out by the freight forwarder who, after collecting the various documents listed above, carries out the following procedure:

  • Preparation of the manual detail note ;
  • entry of the detailed note into the computer system of the Customs "GAINDE",
  • recording of this information in the system, which in turn gives the fees and taxes to be paid and the inspector in charge of the File ;
  • physical filing of documents with the Customs for admissibility (verification of the completeness and the conformity of the documents, the tax system, the taxable bases, etc.) ;
  • payment of the royalties to the office of the treasury if the file is admissible (Cash-in) ;
  • validation of the "Good to be removed" by the Customs inspector,
  • removal of the goods after visa from the Customs Brigade of the Customs.

Fees payable

They are of several kinds :

  • Fees to be paid to the consignment company :
  • landing fees ;
  • possibly warehousing.
  • Levies, Payment :
  • customs stamp ;
  • COSEC levy 0.20% of the CIF value ;
  • Community solidarity levy (PCS) ;
  • computerized customs services

Customs clearance of goods in transit

There must be a "Caution Waver Form" (transfering of the file from the office of departure to the office of arrival):

  • Documents to be provided:
  • copy of the supplier's invoice ;
  • export declaration from the country of origin;
  • bank guarantee ;
  • indication of the various customs offices

Procedures to follow

This procedure will depend on the choice of the regime which determines the nature of the operation

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